Have you ever been confused by Emojis?!

Please help us to uncover the mystery - it only takes 5 minutes.

Most Used Emoji

According to techbook.com, the "tears of joy" emoji is used the most.

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Different Emojis

There are more than 3000 different Emojis available. Some operating systems support even more!

Burger battle

Google's burger emoji lead to a fight, in which even the Google CEO took action.

Do you want to know more about emojis?

Do you know which countries have own emojis?
Do you know how many emojis are send every day?
Do you know, that there is an official wold emoji day?

You will get these and many more exciting information, after our short survey!

Do you know the meaning of these emojis?


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To present emojis we use Twemoji